Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I am not good at writing letters. My bro is in jail, technically I guess he is in prison. My mom is so funny. When he was in jail she would always say, 'when is Tommy getting out on parole?' And now it really is parole and not probabtion. It is kinda weird. For those of you who don't know my bro, he is a great guy. He is the kinda guy that doesn't know a stranger. People like him. He is funny, emotional, and loving all when he isn't drinking. He is an alcoholic. This is a drug that is prodominent in my family. We have a long history of struggles that start with alcohol. He seems determined to kick it when he gets out and he is a believer and knows that he can't do it on his own. Blessed is the poor in spirit! He is pretty humbled right about now. I hope that he will choose to come to the well with me when he gets out and that many people will support him in his recovery. Adiction isn't something you just wake up one morning and kick. It is a process and he is in the middle maybe (hopefully) the worst part. The thing is anyone can say when they are locked up that they are going to change, but it isn't until you are faced with that addiction in the free world do you put feet to those convictions. Please pray for him and consider befriending him. All that to say I finially wrote him a letter today. I typed it up so it went a little faster and it was much more legiable.


Blogger Velma said...

I'll be praying for your brother. Alcohol is hard adiction to kick. My the grace of Jesus cover him.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Cassie said...

I'll be praying for Tommy too. Addiction sucks - but we all know God is bigger (when we actually yield our will to His He does amazing stuff)

10:49 AM  

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