Friday, October 20, 2006


Ok. So on Wednesday our Bible study was hugely on community and exactly what that meant. I am convienced that we believe community is a good idea and even necessary for our livelihood, but we are clueless about how to really apply the concept to our little group. Some of us give more lip service to it than others, but it is just that lip service. I guess what I am trying to say is that having a community and fully participating in that community means you give up something of yourself and you trust others to do the same. If someone in the so called community is going through hell then they should feel safe and compelled to share that with the group. THe group (individuals and the whole) should be there for that person. That may mean a silent prayer or it may mean a throw down fight with the devil or whom ever else.

I admit I am guilty of not letting people into my space when I probably needed them the most. I don't know if it is because I just don't trust anyone to respond the way I would like or maybe I just don't believe anyone really cares. I say anyone as a very broad term. It is hard to put your life out there for everyone to see, judge, and or care. I know I am not alone in these feelings. In fact I can think of several of my friend's personal struggles that they will not share with the group. I think this is wrong.

I am guilty of both not sharing and not responding the way I should have... I will give an example from my life and my husband's life because anyone else might get mad if I use them as an example. Almost a year ago my husband had a relapse on his addiction to gambling. THis was something I didn't find out until it was very harmful to us on many levels. Before he came clean with me he contiplated seriously suicide. He was at a great low and I wasn't even aware of it moreless any of our friends. The first few months after we started tackling this together were very hard and very lonely. Maybe that is how satan works. He makes you think you have to go through something on your own (not including Christ of coarse) knowing there is power in numbers. We are much better now and Christ is very faithful to take care of us and let us learn from our mistakes. ONe of which was not letting people fight with us.

I will try harder. If you are in community with me I would love to hear your comments on my thoughts.
Like I said I know we are not alone in our situation. What will it take for people to really be open to community. I think a willingness to be vulnerable and trust God to take care of you even when people fail you.


Blogger Velma said...

I can say personally that it is hard to admit or speak about ones weaknesses in front of people. Its even hard sometimes to do this with the people I love the most. This is deffentally Satan feeding us the big fat lie. I know when all crap hit the fan for me last week, this communitity was there for me all the way. SO I think we are ready to be a community, its just convincing us to let go and trust each other.

4:42 PM  

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