Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ya know what sucks?

The legal system. I'm here at the shelter, where I work, and just talked to a lady who got her kids taken away and given to her abuser. I spent at least an hour with her the other night listening to her story. She is definately abused. I mean classic stuff like he kept her isolated from her family, controlled her spending, kept all the finaces a secret, she was under his thumb. I don't even remember why she finally left, but he had the money, not her, and got a good attorney. She has an attorney that is so focused on the fact that he won't really get paid that he doesn't seem real interested in helping her. I didn't think the court would keep her kids from her. I wish I could tell you the extreem details to her story, but b/c of confidentiality that would be inappropraite. So b/c of things that happened in her life 5 years ago the court didn't think she was stable enough to have her kiddos. Did I mention she has been there nurse there whole life(genetic stuff). She is doing all she can to try and get them home. The system is not on her side. It is on the side of the person, right or wrong, that has the all mighty dollar....and it makes me sick! (the last time I tried to spell check it erased my stuff, so deal with the mistakes!)


Blogger Velma said...

Remember, we live in a broken world, so the rules of the land are held up by broken people. Its hard and it sucks. We just have to pray that God is guiding this plan or He will provide a way out later.
I also love your compassion for people. You are a wonderful listener and you can provide support to people in such an awesome way!

4:50 PM  

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