Wednesday, April 26, 2006

So I was reading about the temptation of Christ in Luke 4 and Matt 4. I saw some things that I thought were interesting. It says that the spirit led Jesus to the desert. It then later says that Satan led Jesus to a high place. This had never caught my eye before. THe Spirit led Jesus, not just anywhere but to the very place the enemy would tempt him and Satan led Jesus to a high place to try and appeal to his kingly right. It just got me thinking about how the Spirit (God, Jesus, the big cheese) never leaves us or forsakes us and always knows what we can handle and puts us in situations to Trust his promises. Satan of coarse takes full advantage of the oppertunity and pulls us along picking at our weaknesses. But in the end when Jesus was done He told Satan (by His own authourity) to leave. And guess what? He obeys.

I think I sometimes forget to fight back. I lose sight of the super hero power that is alive in me. I take a beating time after time. Listen and believe lie after lie. I don't combat Satan with the Truth of the word following Jesus's example or simply instruct Satan by the power of the living Christ that loves me and died for me to leave! Today I pick up my sword! Today I say Satan in Jesus name leave.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

We are pregnant! I just found out today! I know it is early to be telling people but we are too excited to keep it to ourselves!!! So pray for us. I keep thinking I am going to jinks it or something. loveyalater

So I was thinking the other day about my life and the things that were missing from it... I realized that I am well liked and know a ton of people. When I make friendships they are the long lasting kind. But at the same time I have very few people super close to me...I am talking my husband and maybe one other person. I don't think this is the way God intended relationships. It is true that we only have a certian amount of time and energy for just a small number of people. But then again love always requires sacrifice. If it were easy then it wouldn't be worth as much in the end. If God promises to not give us more than we can handle and it is required of us to love people and build relationships then I guess it is His job to take care of the time and energy required and ours to be willing to sacrifice. Just like most things God asks of us all of this ends up to our benifit. Imagine that!! It is my conclusion that we are selfish and want a gaurentee on our it (or he or she rather) worth what I have to give up. Wasn't it David that said 'I won't give sacrifices that cost me nothing.'(paraphrase) I don't think we do this knowingly but our most harmful attacks from the enemy happen when we are unaware.

I have to admitt I didn't come to these conclutions from actually practicing what I preach and being enlightened, no I looked around one day in crisis and had noone I trusted with my bare heart. Noone that I had put in sacrificed time and energy to be there when I needed the same. Trust is a hard thing gain and so easily lost.

It is hard to even know where to begin. I guess with one oppertunity at time.